Can You Lose 100 Pounds In 60 Days With A Juice Fast?

Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer

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If wishes were horses, so many of us would be slender, fit, and beautiful dressage riders, right? If you’re reading this, you want to lose some pounds–as fast and easily as possible. A juicing  fast for weight loss might be a good start. It is not the whole answer.

Juice fasting for weight loss should be well-planned and conducted under the close eye of your medical practitioner. Fasting can jump start a program of re-programming eating habits. A fast filled with freshly juiced vegetables and fruits can help supply the vital nutrients your body requires and keep body electrolytes in better balance than a fast of water and a bit of lemon juice. Fresh juice with a variety of ingredients is the key. Keep the vegetables at a ratio of 3 parts vegetables to 1 part fruit (maybe 2 to 1, until you get used to the taste.) Avoid some of the strongest tastes–garlic, ginger, and kale–at least at the beginning. They can cause nausea.

Actually, fasting usually cause some nausea and diarrhea. It can dangerously dehydrate your body (seems odd given you are drinking lots of liquid, but it is documented.) If your electrolytes get seriously out of balance, juice fasting for weight loss can be fatal! Sadly, despite the dangers of an over-long fast, there is no proven evidence that this kind of apparent weight loss has a long-term effect on body mass.

This is not to discourage a juicing diet. There is a serious difference between a fast and juicing for weight loss. A fast is, well, supposed to be fast. A good diet is what you need to do every day for the rest of your life. Adding nutritious, freshly juiced raw fruits and vegetables to your diet has been shown scientifically to be healthy and can be weight reducing.

For a juicing diet to contribute to weight loss, you need to focus on the vegetables and keep the fruit and sweetest vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes) to a taste-enlivening minimum. That 3 to 1 ratio is a minimum for keeping the calories down. Having a cooling juice drink mid-morning instead of a cream-cheese-slathered bagel will fill your cravings and cut the calories. This is good nutritional management.

Other components of good management are getting adequate protein (maybe powders stirred into your juices, if you want), fiber from whole grains, and some form of low-calorie dairy/soy products for the calcium. If you want, plain yoghurt or low-fat sour cream can be added to your juices. You can even make these into smoothies. (The best smoothies are made with shaved ice. A Margaritaville Frozen Concoction maker combines an ice shaver and a blender, but you can get the two appliances separately.) Juicing for weight loss can be interesting, highly nutritious, and effective. If you are determined to improve your life as well as your shape, stick to a juicing diet, not fasting for weight loss. Your life will be healthier without being put at risk of serious complications.

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